Make Your Dream Come True

by admin on October 24, 2011

Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like no one’s watching.

Satchel Paige

What is your dream?  If money were no object, what would you do with the rest of your life?

Answering that question, according to Marcia Wieder, is the first step to making your dream actually come true.

In her Daily Success Stream video, Ms. Wieder goes on to explain that once you have listened to your heart and figured out what it is trying to tell you, the next step is to break your dream down into manageable and  do able steps, or projects – ones that will take no more than 1 month to accomplish. Make sure they are ones that can be measured and objectively evaluated, because measuring your progress is the third step in turning your dreams into reality.  And finally, be sure you celebrate the completion of each step along the way.

  1. Follow your heart and identify your real purpose for living.
  2. Break your dream down into manageable projects.
  3. Measure your progress.
  4. Celebrate your accomplishments.

Becoming a social entrepreneur is just a matter of following these four simple steps.  Have you started yet?

Marcia Wieder is the CEO and founder of Dream University and a member of the prestigious Transformational Leadership Council.  You can view her video and hundreds of others by today’s leading business leaders and trainers by clicking here and becoming a member of the worlds foremost on-line business and success education video library.

For your peace and prosperity,
Vaya con dios,

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